I have 4 points.. i can draw a polygon usign this code
var p = new Polygon(); p.Points.Add(new Point(0, 0)); p.Points.Add(new Point(70, 0)); p.Points.Add(new Point(90, 100)); p.Points.Add(new Point(0, 80));
How i can draw an 'ellipse' that will fit in this polygon, using Silverlight?
Since two ellipses can intersect at four points, these 4 points cannot determine a unique one. On the other hand, you can easily construct the unique quadratic curve passing through any 5 given point. However, you can, in fact, use only one point to specify an ellipse.
Five points are required to define a unique ellipse.
A vertex of ellipse is the point of intersection of the ellipse with its axis of symmetry. The ellipse intersects its axis of symmetry at two distinct points, and hence an ellipse has two vertices.
One way is use QuadraticBezierSegment
or BezierSegment
For example, like this:
<Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="2" > <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="0,40"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <BezierSegment Point1="0,93" Point2="90,117" Point3="80,50" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="2" > <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="0,40"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <BezierSegment Point1="0,-13" Point2="70,-17" Point3="80,50" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Polygon Points="0,0 70,0 90,100 0,80"></Polygon>
it's not exact solution, for exact you must colculate exact points for curves and use 4 QuadraticBezierSegment
Edit: Example for QuadraticBezierSegment
<Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="0,40"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="6,79" Point2="45,90" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="45,90"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="80,91" Point2="80,50" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="0,40"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="2,3" Point2="35,0" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="35,0"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="72,8" Point2="80,50" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Polygon Name="pol" Points="0,0 70,0 90,100 0,80" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"</Polygon>
it still an experimental, not calculate point, but it quite exact.
Edit2: You may calculate points of curves with use of this image and my comments:
curves have a startpoint, midle point and endpoint. In this image start and end piont are L,M,N,O
; and midle are W,X,Y,Z
How for example we calculate point L
Whith help of equation of line y = k * x + b
we find equation of line AB,DC,AC,DB,AD
. How cross of AC
and DB
we find R
. How cross of AB
and DC
we find E
. After that we find equation of line ER
and how cross of ER
and AD
we find L
How we calculate point W
Whith help of equation for length l = sqrt(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1))
find length of AR
. AW = AR/(4*pi)
and whith help of this coefficient, and equation of line and equation for length, after solving of square equation we find W
Other points we find similarly.
This algorithm not work only for polygon which have parallel line, but in this case algorithm is more easier. And coefficient for length are the same.
Whith help of this algorithm i find point for 3 curves of your example:
<Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="0,36"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="4.7,74.6" Point2="39.9,88.9" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="39.9,88.9"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="83.43,92.7" Point2="78.8,43.9" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure StartPoint="0,36"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment Point1="3.55,3.94" Point2="31.8,0" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path>
And it curves exactly the same as ellipse line. Image below:
You may translate this algorithm to 'formula' and so find your solution.
You need 4 function for that:
1) find line coefficients from coordinates of 2 pionts
2) find coordinates of piont how cross of 2 lines from it's coefficients
3) find length of segment from coordinates of 2 points
4) find coordinates of piont whiсh lies on line with this start point and this length from line coefficients and coordinates of start point and length which you find in previous function divided by (4*pi)
Edit3: You may optimize this solution, it have some defects, how parallel line etc. But it fast and if you optimise it may satisfy your requirements.
<Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure x:Name="pathleftdown" StartPoint="0,0"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment x:Name="bezleftdown" Point1="0,0" Point2="0,0" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure x:Name="pathrigthdown" StartPoint="0,0"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment x:Name="bezrigthdown" Point1="0,0" Point2="0,0" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure x:Name="pathleftup" StartPoint="0,0"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment x:Name="bezleftup" Point1="0,0" Point2="0,0" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Path Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"> <Path.Data> <PathGeometry> <PathGeometry.Figures> <PathFigureCollection> <PathFigure x:Name="pathrigthup" StartPoint="0,0"> <PathFigure.Segments> <PathSegmentCollection> <QuadraticBezierSegment x:Name="bezrigthup" Point1="0,0" Point2="0,0" /> </PathSegmentCollection> </PathFigure.Segments> </PathFigure> </PathFigureCollection> </PathGeometry.Figures> </PathGeometry> </Path.Data> </Path> <Polygon Name="pol" Points="0,0 250,0 251,340 0,341" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="1"></Polygon> <Button Content="Generate" Width ="80" Height="30" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="Button_Click"></Button>
and code:
private class pointXY { public double x; public double y; } private class lineKB { public double k; public double b; public bool flagXconst = false; public double xConst = 0; } private lineKB GetLineFromPonts(pointXY A, pointXY B) { lineKB line = new lineKB(); if ((B.x - A.x) != 0) { line.k = (B.y - A.y) / (B.x - A.x); line.b = A.y - A.x * line.k; } else { line.xConst = A.x; line.flagXconst = true; } return line; } private pointXY GetPointFromLines(lineKB a, lineKB b) { pointXY point = new pointXY(); if (a.flagXconst) { point.x = a.xConst; point.y = a.xConst * b.k + b.b; }else if (b.flagXconst) { point.x = b.xConst; point.y = b.xConst * a.k + a.b; } else { point.x = (a.b - b.b) / (b.k - a.k); point.y = a.k * point.x + a.b; } return point; } private double LengthOfLine(pointXY A, pointXY B) { return Math.Sqrt((B.x - A.x) * (B.x - A.x) + (B.y - A.y) * (B.y - A.y)); } private pointXY GetMidlePoint(pointXY S, double l, lineKB line, bool leftright) { double b = -2 * S.x - 2 * line.k * (-line.b + S.y); double a = (1 + line.k * line.k); double c = (S.x * S.x - l * l + (-line.b + S.y) * (-line.b + S.y)); double d = b*b - 4 * a * c; double x1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * a); double x2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * a); pointXY ret = new pointXY(); if (leftright) if (x1 > S.x) ret.x = x1; else ret.x = x2; else if (x1 < S.x) ret.x = x1; else ret.x = x2; ret.y = line.k * ret.x + line.b; return ret; } private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { pointXY A = new pointXY(); A.x = pol.Points[0].X; A.y = pol.Points[0].Y; pointXY B = new pointXY(); B.x = pol.Points[1].X; B.y = pol.Points[1].Y; pointXY C = new pointXY(); C.x = pol.Points[2].X; C.y = pol.Points[2].Y; pointXY D = new pointXY(); D.x = pol.Points[3].X; D.y = pol.Points[3].Y; lineKB AC = GetLineFromPonts(A, C); lineKB BD = GetLineFromPonts(B, D); pointXY R = GetPointFromLines(AC, BD); lineKB AB = GetLineFromPonts(A, B); lineKB BC = GetLineFromPonts(B, C); lineKB CD = GetLineFromPonts(C, D); lineKB DA = GetLineFromPonts(D, A); pointXY E = GetPointFromLines(AB, CD); lineKB ER = GetLineFromPonts(E, R); pointXY L = GetPointFromLines(ER, DA); pointXY N = GetPointFromLines(ER, BC); pointXY F = GetPointFromLines(BC, DA); lineKB FR = GetLineFromPonts(F, R); pointXY M = GetPointFromLines(FR, AB); pointXY O = GetPointFromLines(FR, CD); pointXY W = GetMidlePoint(A, (LengthOfLine(A, R) / (4 * Math.PI)), AC, true); pointXY X = GetMidlePoint(B, (LengthOfLine(B, R) / (4 * Math.PI)), BD, false); pointXY Y = GetMidlePoint(C, (LengthOfLine(C, R) / (4 * Math.PI)), AC, false); pointXY Z = GetMidlePoint(D, (LengthOfLine(D, R) / (4 * Math.PI)), BD, true); pathleftup.StartPoint = new Point(L.x, L.y); bezleftup.Point1 = new Point(W.x, W.y); bezleftup.Point2 = new Point(M.x, M.y); pathleftdown.StartPoint = new Point(L.x, L.y); bezleftdown.Point1 = new Point(Z.x, Z.y); bezleftdown.Point2 = new Point(O.x, O.y); pathrigthdown.StartPoint = new Point(O.x, O.y); bezrigthdown.Point1 = new Point(Y.x, Y.y); bezrigthdown.Point2 = new Point(N.x, N.y); pathrigthup.StartPoint = new Point(M.x, M.y); bezrigthup.Point1 = new Point(X.x, X.y); bezrigthup.Point2 = new Point(N.x, N.y); }
With the information given by Jeff M I created a function that returns an ellipse fitting in a polygon:
Ellipse FitEllipse(Polygon poly) { double W0 = poly.Points[0].X; double W1 = poly.Points[0].Y; double X0 = poly.Points[1].X; double X1 = poly.Points[1].Y; double Y0 = poly.Points[2].X; double Y1 = poly.Points[2].Y; double Z0 = poly.Points[3].X; double Z1 = poly.Points[3].Y; double A = X0 * Y0 * Z1 - W0 * Y0 * Z1 - X0 * Y1 * Z0 + W0 * Y1 * Z0 - W0 * X1 * Z0 + W1 * X0 * Z0 + W0 * X1 * Y0 - W1 * X0 * Y0; double B = W0 * Y0 * Z1 - W0 * X0 * Z1 - X0 * Y1 * Z0 + X1 * Y0 * Z0 - W1 * Y0 * Z0 + W1 * X0 * Z0 + W0 * X0 * Y1 - W0 * X1 * Y0; double C = X0 * Y0 * Z1 - W0 * X0 * Z1 - W0 * Y1 * Z0 - X1 * Y0 * Z0 + W1 * Y0 * Z0 + W0 * X1 * Z0 + W0 * X0 * Y1 - W1 * X0 * Y0; double D = X1 * Y0 * Z1 - W1 * Y0 * Z1 - W0 * X1 * Z1 + W1 * X0 * Z1 - X1 * Y1 * Z0 + W1 * Y1 * Z0 + W0 * X1 * Y1 - W1 * X0 * Y1; double E = -X0 * Y1 * Z1 + W0 * Y1 * Z1 + X1 * Y0 * Z1 - W0 * X1 * Z1 - W1 * Y1 * Z0 + W1 * X1 * Z0 + W1 * X0 * Y1 - W1 * X1 * Y0; double F = X0 * Y1 * Z1 - W0 * Y1 * Z1 + W1 * Y0 * Z1 - W1 * X0 * Z1 - X1 * Y1 * Z0 + W1 * X1 * Z0 + W0 * X1 * Y1 - W1 * X1 * Y0; double G = X0 * Z1 - W0 * Z1 - X1 * Z0 + W1 * Z0 - X0 * Y1 + W0 * Y1 + X1 * Y0 - W1 * Y0; double H = Y0 * Z1 - X0 * Z1 - Y1 * Z0 + X1 * Z0 + W0 * Y1 - W1 * Y0 - W0 * X1 + W1 * X0; double I = Y0 * Z1 - W0 * Z1 - Y1 * Z0 + W1 * Z0 + X0 * Y1 - X1 * Y0 + W0 * X1 - W1 * X0; double detT = A * E * I + B * F * G + C * D * H - A * F * H - B * D * I - C * E * G; double J = (E * I - F * H) / detT; double K = (C * H - B * I) / detT; double L = (B * F - C * E) / detT; double M = (F * G - D * I) / detT; double N = (A * I - C * G) / detT; double O = (C * D - A * F) / detT; double P = (D * H - E * G) / detT; double Q = (B * G - A * H) / detT; double R = (A * E - B * D) / detT; double a = J * J + M * M + P * P; double b = J * K + M * N - P * Q; double c = K * K + N * N - Q * Q; double d = J * L + M * O - P * R; double f = K * L + N * O - Q * R; double g = L * L + O * O - R * R; double Ex = (c * d - b * f) / (b * b - a * c); double Ey = (a * f - b * d) / (b * b - a * c); double Ea = Math.Sqrt(2.0 * (a * f * f + c * d * d + g * b * b - 2.0 * b * d * f - a * c * g) / ((b * b - a * c) * (Math.Sqrt((a - c) * (a - c) + 4.0 * b * b) - (a + c)))); double Eb = Math.Sqrt(2.0 * (a * f * f + c * d * d + g * b * b - 2.0 * b * d * f - a * c * g) / ((a * c - b * b) * (Math.Sqrt((a - c) * (a - c) + 4.0 * b * b) + (a + c)))); double phi = 0; if (b == 0 && a < c) { phi = 0; } else if (b == 0 && a > c) { phi = Math.PI / 2; } else if (b != 0 && a < c) { phi = (Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan((a - c) / (2 * b))) / 2; } else if (b != 0 && a > c) { phi = (Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan((a - c) / (2 * b))) / 2 + Math.PI / 2; } Ellipse el = new Ellipse(); el.Height = Ea * 2; el.Width = Eb * 2; el.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(phi * 180 / Math.PI); return el; }
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