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3SUM problem (finding triplets) in better than O(n^2)



Consider the following problem:

Given an unsorted array of integers, find all triplets that satisfy x^2 + y^2 = z^2.

For example if given array is 1, 3, 7, 5, 4, 12, 13, the answer should be 5, 12, 13 and 3, 4, 5

I suggest the below algorithm with complexity O(n^2):

  • Sort the array in descending order, O(nlogn)
  • square each element, O(n)

Now it reduces to the problem of finding all triplets(a,b,c) in a sorted array such that a = b+c.

The interviewer was insisting on a solution better than O(n^2).

I have read 3SUM problem on Wikipedia, which emphasizes problem can be solved in O(n+ulogu) if numbers are in range [-u,u] assuming the array can be represented as a bit vector. But I am not able to get a clear picture of further explanations.

Can someone please help me in understanding what is going on with a nice example?

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Green goblin Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 08:06

Green goblin

People also ask

How do you solve a triplet problem?

Algorithm: Given an array of length n and a sum s. Create three nested loop first loop runs from start to end (loop counter i), second loop runs from i+1 to end (loop counter j) and third loop runs from j+1 to end (loop counter k) The counter of these loops represents the index of 3 elements of the triplets.

How many combinations of triplets are possible?

So, the correct answer is '64'.

How do you check for triplets?

Take the integer that is immediately before and after that number i.e. (N2/2 -0.5) and (N2/2 +0.5). Example: Take number N=3. On squaring the number, we get 9. Therefore, the triplet is 3, 4, 5.

1 Answers

First of all. Finding all triplets in worst case is O(n^3). Suppose you have n=3k numbers. K of them are 3, k are 4 and k are 5.


There are k^3 = n^3/27 = O(n^3) such triplets. Just printing them takes O(n^3) time.

Next will be explaining of 3SUM problem in such form:

There are numbers s_1, ..., s_n each of them in range [-u;u]. How many triplets a,b,c there are that a+b=c?

  1. transforming. Get 2*u numbers a_-u, ..., a_0, a_1, ... a_u. a_i is amount of numbers s_j, that s_j = i. This is done in O(n+u)

  2. res = a_0 * sum(i=-u..u, i=/=0, C(a_i, 2)) + C(a_0,3) a_0 = 0

  3. Build a polynom P(x) = sum(i = -u...u, a_i*x^(i+u).

  4. Find Q(x) = P(x)*P(x) using FFT.

  5. Note that Q(x) = sum(i=-2u..2u, b_i*x^(i+2*u)), where b_i is number of pairs s_u,s_k that s_u+s_k = i (This includes using same number twice).

  6. For all even i do b_i = b_i - a_(i/2). This will remove using same number twice.

  7. Sum all b_i*a_i/2 - add this to res.

Example: to be more simple, I will assume that range for numbers is [0..u] and won't use any +u in powers of x. Suppose that we have numbers 1,2,3 - a_0 = 0, a_1 = 1, a_2 = 1, a_3 = 1

  • res = 0

  • P(x) = x + x^2 + x^3

  • Q(x) = x^2 +2x^3+3x^4+2x^5+x^6

  • After subtracting b_2 = 0, b_3 = 2, b_4 = 2, b_5 = 2, b_6 = 0

  • res += 0*1/2 + 2*1/2 + 2*0/2 + 2*0/2 + 6*0/2 = 1

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kilotaras Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 22:10
