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3 different types of JavaScript objects, what is the difference?

I've been deep diving into JavaScript lately and stumbled upon a question.

What is the difference between the following implementations of a object:

var myFunction1 = (function myFunction1() {})();

var myFunction2 = {}

var myFunction3 = function myFunction3() {}

Or with a longer example of the three implementations preforming the exact same task.

    var myFunction1 = (function myFunction1() {

      var _privateVar = 'Private var';
      this.publicVar = 'Public var';

      function init( newPrivate, newPublic) {
        _privateVar = newPrivate;
        this.publicVar = newPublic;

      function getPrivateVar(){
        return _privateVar;

      function setPrivateVar(string){
        _privateVar = string;

      return {
        init: init,
        getPrivateVar: getPrivateVar,
        setPrivateVar: setPrivateVar


    var myFunction2 = {

      _privateVar: 'Private var',
      publicVar: 'Public var',

      init: function init( newPrivate, newPublic) {
        this._privateVar = newPrivate;
        this.publicVar = newPublic;

      getPrivateVar: function getPrivateVar(){
        return this._privateVar;

      setPrivateVar: function setPrivateVar(string){
        this._privateVar = string;


    var myFunction3 = function myFunction3() {

      var _privateVar = 'Private var';
      this.publicVar = 'Public var';

      function init( newPrivate, newPublic) {
        _privateVar = newPrivate;
        this.publicVar = newPublic;

      function getPrivateVar(){
        return _privateVar;

      function setPrivateVar(string){
        _privateVar = string;

      return {
        init: init,
        getPrivateVar: getPrivateVar,
        setPrivateVar: setPrivateVar


    var a, b, c;
    a = myFunction1;
    a.init('Private var updated', 'Public var updated');
    console.log('== A ==');
    console.log(a.publicVar); // Public var updated
    console.log(a._privateVar); // undefined
    console.log(a.getPrivateVar()); // Private var updated
    a.setPrivateVar('Private var is updated again');
    console.log(a.getPrivateVar()); // Private var is updated again

    b = myFunction2;
    b.init('Private var updated', 'Public var updated');
    console.log('== B ==');
    console.log(b.publicVar); // Public var updated
    console.log(b._privateVar); // Private var updated
    console.log(b.getPrivateVar()); // Private var updated
    b.setPrivateVar('Private var is updated again');
    console.log(b.getPrivateVar()); // Private var is updated again

    c = new myFunction3();
    c.init('Private var updated', 'Public var updated');
    console.log('== C ==');
    console.log(c.publicVar); // Public var updated
    console.log(c._privateVar); // undefined
    console.log(c.getPrivateVar()); // Private var updated
    c.setPrivateVar('Private var is updated again');
    console.log(c.getPrivateVar()); // Private var is updated again

I know that the two first examples are singletons, and last one allows me to create multiple objects. But what are the difference between the first two? Or are they the same, just written a little different?

like image 321
jamietelin Avatar asked Jun 28 '13 14:06


People also ask

What are the three types of JavaScript?

There are six basic data types in JavaScript which can be divided into three main categories: primitive (or primary), composite (or reference), and special data types. String, Number, and Boolean are primitive data types. Object, Array, and Function (which are all types of objects) are composite data types.

How many types of objects are there in JavaScript?

There are two types of object properties: The data property and the accessor property. Each property has corresponding attributes. Each attribute is accessed internally by the JavaScript engine, but you can set them through Object.defineProperty() , or read them through Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() .

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A javaScript object is an entity having state and behavior (properties and method). For example: car, pen, bike, chair, glass, keyboard, monitor etc. JavaScript is an object-based language. Everything is an object in JavaScript.

1 Answers

The first example creates a function myFunction1() and executes it, storing the result (not a function) in the variable myFunction1 — in this case, the name myFunction1 first contains a function, then (once it's executed) it contains the result.

myFunction2 is not a function at all. The brackets {} are an object literal, creating an empty object.

myFunction3 is the only function in the example. In this case it does nothing.

like image 94
Reinstate Monica -- notmaynard Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Reinstate Monica -- notmaynard