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3-D Shape detection from triangulation mesh

I'm looking for any algorithm or source code which can find whole or partial simple 3-D shapes (sphere, cylinder, cone, etc) in a 3-D triangulation mesh.

I've found several papers on algorithms (for example see this PDF) which can find shapes in point clouds. A triangulation can easily be converted to a point cloud, but it seems to me that it should be easier to find shapes if you already have a triangulation, as you have more information about the surface to be matched--connectivity is lost for example in the conversion to a point cloud.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

like image 254
ergosys Avatar asked Dec 05 '10 05:12


1 Answers

The Princeton Shape Retreival and Analysis Group are the guru's in this area. You can trace the feild using their publications.

like image 70
nav Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
