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2d convolution using python and numpy

I am trying to perform a 2d convolution in python using numpy

I have a 2d array as follows with kernel H_r for the rows and H_c for the columns

data = np.zeros((nr, nc), dtype=np.float32)

#fill array with some data here then convolve

for r in range(nr):
    data[r,:] = np.convolve(data[r,:], H_r, 'same')

for c in range(nc):
    data[:,c] = np.convolve(data[:,c], H_c, 'same')

data = data.astype(np.uint8);

It does not produce the output that I was expecting, does this code look OK, I think the problem is with the casting from float32 to 8bit. Whats the best way to do this


like image 230
mikip Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 14:03


1 Answers

Maybe it is not the most optimized solution, but this is an implementation I used before with numpy library for Python:

def convolution2d(image, kernel, bias):
    m, n = kernel.shape
    if (m == n):
        y, x = image.shape
        y = y - m + 1
        x = x - m + 1
        new_image = np.zeros((y,x))
        for i in range(y):
            for j in range(x):
                new_image[i][j] = np.sum(image[i:i+m, j:j+m]*kernel) + bias
    return new_image

I hope this code helps other guys with the same doubt.


like image 126
omotto Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10
