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New posts in nhibernate-mapping

Query Unmapped Columns in NHibernate

How to add mappings by namespace in Fluent NHibernate

MySQL & NHibernate. How fix the error: Column 'ReservedWord' does not belong to table ReservedWords?

NHibernate HiLo - new column per entity and HiLo catches

How to generate hbm.xml file from FluentNHibernate

NHibernate - auto generate timestamp on create and update?

Fluent NHibernate - Unnecessary update

NHibernate mapping with a class hierarchy whose base class is abstract and the discriminator is not a string

FluentNHibernate mapping; Unable to map double or decimal with scale/precision

Error in Cascade : deleted object would be re-saved by cascade

NHibernate mapping one to many not on primary key

Mapping an immutable structure as a component in NHibernate

NHibernate AssertException: Interceptor.OnPrepareStatement(SqlString) returned null or empty SqlString

How to persist a subset of an object instead of the whole object?

many-to-one with multiple columns

JPA lazy at simple byte[] field level

Null value objects in NHibernate

How to map IDictionary<string, Entity> in Fluent NHibernate

NHibernate.StaleStateException : Unexpected row count: 0; expected: 1

Mapping multiple discriminator values to single default class in NHibernate