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New posts in nhibernate-mapping

Applying the Hibernate filter attribute to a Bag with a many-to-many relationship

How do you map an enum as string in fluent nhibernate?

Nhibernate Conformist Mapping "Unable to determine type..."

How do I change a child's parent in NHibernate when cascade is delete-all-orphan?

Mapping nested components in Fluent NHibernate

NHibernate Fluent vs. Attributes

How do I get fluent nhibernate to create a varbinary(max) field in sql server

Prevent Nhibernate schemaexport from generating foreign key constraints on has many relationship

Using NHibernate with an EAV data model

Discriminated unions in NHibernate

illegal access to loading collection error

How to create a Multi-Column Index or Unique Constraint with NHibernate

Enum parsing doesn't seem to work with Fluent NHibernate

NHibernate - Cascade Merge to child entities fails for detached parent entity

NHibernate: how to enable lazy loading on one-to-one mapping

NHibernate 2.* mapping files: how to define nullable DateTime type (DateTime?)?

NHibernate dynamic-update Disadvantages?

How to map a VARCHAR(MAX) column in NHibernate hbm.xml mapping files

Fluent Nhibernate left join

Generate XML mappings from fluent Nhibernate