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New posts in applicationcontext

Spring: Properly setup @ComponentScan

How can I get my logger in a Python Flask app to use unique IDs per page view for logging?

Enabling UTF-8 character set in JSF2.0, Hibernate, MySQL

How to use path relative to user home in PropertySource [closed]

Parsing applicationContext.xml renders a `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError`. Could this be caused by dependency issues?

How to get bean with class and qualifier programmatically?

Spring bean instantiation ordering

Can I have the META-INF folder into src/main/resources of a Spring command line application?

Spring shutdown event that fires immediately before ApplicationContext is destroyed?

Is there a way to store java variable/object in application context without xml or properties file

How can I configure Spring to save as much memory as possible?

ApplicationContextInitializer in a non-web Spring Context?

Object Sharing Between Activities in Android

Component Scan not finding @Component's in a JAR in Tomcat webapp

Spring 3.1 bean visibility using bean definition profiles

Read an environment variable from applicationContext.xml

Multi-threaded Context initialization with spring?

Is it possible to inject a bean defined with @Component as an argument to a BeanFactoryPostProcessor?

Context Configuration in spock test

Spring contexts hierarchy

spring applicationcontext