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Substring on pandas dataframe column

I want to extract a substring (Titles - Mr. Mrs, Miss etc.) from a column (Name) in a pandas dataframe and then write the new column (Title) back into the dataframe.

In the Name column of the dataframe I have a name such as "Brand, Mr. Owen Harris" The two delimiters are the , and .

I have attempted to use a split method, but this only splits the original string in two within a list. So I still send up ['Braund', ' Mr. Owen Harris'] in the list.

import pandas as pd
#import re
df_Train = pd.read_csv('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTliZmavBsJCFDiEwxcSIIftu-0gR9p34n8Bq4OUNL4TxwHY-JMS6KhZEbWr1bp91UqHPkliZBBFgwh/pub?gid=1593012114&single=true&output=csv')
a= df_Train['Name'].str.split(',')
for i in a:

I am thinking this might be situation where regex comes into play. My reading suggests a Lookahead (?=,) and Lookbehind (?<='.') approach should do the trick. for example

import re
a= df_Train['Name'].str.split(r'(?=,)*(?<='.'))
for i in a:

But I am running into errors (EOL while scanning string literal) . Can someone point me in the right direction?

Cheers Mike

like image 580
Mike Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 12:12


1 Answers

You do it like this.


Output head(5):

0       Mr
1      Mrs
2     Miss
3      Mrs
4       Mr

Summation of results



Mr              517
Miss            182
Mrs             125
Master           40
Dr                7
Rev               6
Mlle              2
Col               2
Major             2
Lady              1
Mme               1
Sir               1
Ms                1
the Countess      1
Jonkheer          1
Don               1
Capt              1
Name: Name, dtype: int64
like image 132
Scott Boston Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12

Scott Boston