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Can anyone provide insight into this?

I've developed an import process using an XML data type. After the data is inserted in to a table by the import sProc I run another procedures to update another table with the imported table.

The update procedure throws an exception if it is created with SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF. I'd like to understand why that is happening.

Here's the code:

DECLARE @xmlRecords XML
SET     @xmlRecords = (SELECT importedXML FROM importTable WHERE importId = @lastImportId)

SET     o.ReferralCode = import.refCode
FROM    (
            SELECT  records.record.value('(@orderId)[1]', 'INT') AS orderId, 
                    records.record.value('(@refCode)[1]', 'VARCHAR(15)') AS refCode
            FROM    @xmlRecords.nodes('/records/record') records(record)
            ) import 
            INNER JOIN tblOrder o ON import.OrderId = o.orderId

I'm assuming it has to do with the quoted datatypes ('VARCHAR(15)') or the xml query path elements ('/records/record').

Thanks for any insight you can provide.

like image 907
Rick Putnam Avatar asked Jul 21 '10 21:07

Rick Putnam

1 Answers

A very simple test case

set quoted_identifier off

DECLARE @xmlRecords XML
SET     @xmlRecords = '<records><record orderId="1" refCode="1234"></record></records>'

SELECT  records.record.value('(@orderId)[1]', 'INT') AS orderId
FROM    @xmlRecords.nodes('/records/record') records(record)


Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Line 8 SELECT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or query notifications and/or xml data type methods.

This is documented in passing here

Executing XQuery and XML data modification statements requires that the connection option QUOTED_IDENTIFIER be ON.

I haven't seen a reason why this is a requirement for xQuery though.

like image 54
Martin Smith Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Martin Smith