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Selectize.js custom rendering with static html

I am using the brilliant selectize.js library to generate an attractive select box with option groups. It is all working but I am stuck at the point that I cannot use the custom renderer from the examples page (Email contacts) http://brianreavis.github.io/selectize.js/ because "item" does not know of the "email" attribute. I know how to do this in javascript, but how could I define the two attributes in static html?

In js, this woulde be

  options: [
    { name: "Martin", email: "[email protected]" }

I tried the following:

  <option value="Martin|[email protected]" data-name="Martin" data-email="[email protected]">

But this is not working... Finally the render function taken from the examples:

render: {
    item: function(item, escape) {
        return '<div>' +
            (item.name ? '<span class="name">' + escape(item.name) + '</span>' : '') +
            (item.email ? '<span class="email">' + escape(item.email) + '</span>' : '') +
    option: function(item, escape) {
        var label = item.name || item.email;
        var caption = item.name ? item.email : null;
        return '<div>' +
            '<span class="label">' + escape(label) + '</span>' +
            (caption ? '<span class="caption">' + escape(caption) + '</span>' : '') +

I would be thankful for any hints!

Regards, Martin

like image 812
Martin Horvath Avatar asked Apr 21 '14 21:04

Martin Horvath

2 Answers

Use this example:

var clearhack = $('.selectized').selectize({
    valueField: 'id',
    labelField: 'name',
    searchField: ['name'],
    sortField: 'score',//this is set to 'name' on my version, but seems sortField is only used together with load-function and score-function
    sortDirection: 'desc',
    maxItems: 1,
    //only using options-value in jsfiddle - real world it's using the load-function
    options: [
        {"id":1065,"name":"Jorge Carlson","score":6},
        {"id":389,"name":"Ann Jennifer","score":3},
        {"id":859,"name":"Bobby Jenkins","score":3},
        {"id":264,"name":"Peter Jenkins","score":3},
    create: false,
    render: {
        option: function(item, escape) {
            return '<div>'
            + '<span>ID:'+item.id+'</span> '
            + '<span>Name:'+item.name+'</span> '
            + '<span>DEBUG:'+item.score+'</span>'
            + '</div>';
    score: function(search) {
        return function(item) {
            return parseInt(item.score);
like image 185
Adonias Vasquez Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 15:11

Adonias Vasquez

Not sure if this will help as it's super late - but I used the following method to get captions under my select options:

html options like:

<option data-data='<?php echo json_encode($obj, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT) ?>' value="<?php echo $obj->id ?>"><?php echo $obj->name ?></option>

and then selectize code:

  valueField: 'id',
  labelField: 'name',
  searchField: ['name'],
  render: {
    option: function(item, escape) {
      var label = item.name;
      var caption = item.description;
      return '<div>' +
      '<span style="display: block; color: black; font-size: 14px;">' + escape(label) + '</span>' +
      (caption ? '<span style="display: block; color: gray; font-size: 12px;">' + escape(caption) + '</span>' : '') +

Haven't read a lot of the docs but this will work for $obj such as:

{ 'id': '1', 'name': 'fred', 'description': 'fred person'}

Just add more attributes and reference them in your render option function.

It seems selectize reads json from a data-data attribute to populate these, but I believe you can change what attribute it reads json from by passing a dataAttr option in the initialize.

like image 30
DJB Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 16:11