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Is code injection possible in Java?

nowadays you can read much about code injection, exploits, buffer-, stack- and heap-overflows etc. leading to inject and run code. I wonder what of this stuff is relevant for Java.

I know, there are no pointers in the Java language. But doesn't the JVM organize data in heaps and / or stacks? I know there is no eval function (like in PHP) so you cant easily use an input as Java-code. I am not so sure whats going on on bytecode level.

I think XSS is possible, for example in an Java EE application, when no inputs are filtered. But isn't this more a JavaScript injection, because the injected code runs in the browser and not in the JVM?

So which code injections are possible with java and which are not? And is this true for other Java platform languages, too?

Thanks in advance.

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c0d3x Avatar asked Dec 10 '09 13:12


People also ask

What is code injection in Java?

Code Injection is the general term for attack types which consist of injecting code that is then interpreted/executed by the application. This type of attack exploits poor handling of untrusted data.

What is code injection?

Code injection is the term used to describe attacks that inject code into an application. That injected code is then interpreted by the application, changing the way a program executes. Code injection attacks typically exploit an application vulnerability that allows the processing of invalid data.

Is a code injecting method?

Code injection is the exploitation of a computer bug that is caused by processing invalid data. The injection is used by an attacker to introduce (or "inject") code into a vulnerable computer program and change the course of execution.

How can we prevent JavaScript injection in Java?

General advices to prevent InjectionApply Input Validation (using "allow list" approach) combined with Output Sanitizing+Escaping on user input/output. If you need to interact with system, try to use API features provided by your technology stack (Java / . Net / PHP...) instead of building command.

2 Answers

If the server application creates bytecode at runtime (for example with BCEL or Javassist), and if this creation can be influenced by user input, then a code injection is possible.

However, if you application uses no magic (which should be 99% of all applications), it will not be possible.

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akuhn Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09


A java program itself is pretty much not vulnerable to code injection. However, all the native code that supports the app is vulnerable to all the different kinds of code injection - this includes the JVM and all native code parts in the app or its libraries.

Also, there are a few more things to consider:

Anything where java is used as a gateway to other systems is possible:

SQL Injection

XSS (which is in the end nothing more than JavaScript Injection)

If the java program is itself a interpreter/compiler of some kind, it might be possible to inject code into your interpreted language/compiled program (this includes using your program as a java compiler...)

And of course if you can get the java program to write a file to disk that contains code (be it native, java or something else) you might be able to get it executed by other means (which can be a different vulnerability in your app, the os or another app) - this is not direct code injection but quite similar in effect.

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gha.st Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
