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How to abort INSERT operation in MySql trigger?

I have a table containing an url and a string representing its parameters. The problem is I want an url and a parameterstring to be the unique constraint for the table - aka no entries can have the same url AND parameter string. The parameter string can be of arbitrary length (longer than 800bytes or so which is the max length for a MySql key, so I cant use Unique(url, params) since it throws an error...).

I thought about using triggers to do this, but how do I throw an exception/raise an error if the trigger discovers the insert is about to insert a duplicate entry? I imagine I would like to have a MySqlException thrown like MySql does with duplicate primary keys etc so I can catch it in my C# code.

I have two pieces in the trigger I need to get help with: ... Abort throw exception to C# ... How do I throw an exception etc to C#? ... Allow insert ... - how do I just allow the insert if there is no duplicate entry?

Heres the trigger code:

CREATE TRIGGER urls_check_duplicates BEFORE INSERT ON urls FOR EACH ROW  BEGIN DECLARE num_rows INTEGER;  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO num_rows FROM urls WHERE url = NEW.url AND params = NEW.params;  IF num_rows > 0 THEN    ... ABORT/throw exception to C# ... ELSE    ... Allow insert ... END 
like image 906
johnrl Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 14:03


People also ask

How do you abort a trigger in SQL?

The only way for a trigger on a table to prevent an INSERT operation from completing is to throw an error. Create an instead of trigger on that view that only does an INSERT on the table if you want the row to be persisted. Otherwise, the trigger would do nothing.

How does trigger prevent insertion?

DELIMITER // CREATE TRIGGER yourTriggerName BEFORE INSERT ON yourTableName FOR EACH ROW BEGIN yourCondition THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'anyMessageToEndUser'; END // DELIMITER ; Now, create a trigger that would prevent to insert a record in the table on some condition.

What is instead of INSERT trigger?

An INSTEAD OF trigger is an SQL trigger that is processed “instead of” an SQL UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT statement. Unlike SQL BEFORE and AFTER triggers, an INSTEAD OF trigger can be defined only on a view, not a table.

1 Answers

I came across this and although the solution works I later came across what feels to me like a better solution. I suspect this wasn't an option when this question was originally answered.

CREATE TRIGGER `TestTable_SomeTrigger` BEFORE UPDATE ON `test_table` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN     DECLARE msg VARCHAR(255);     IF (SomeTestToFail = "FAIL!") THEN         set msg = "DIE: You broke the rules... I will now Smite you, hold still...";         SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = msg;     END IF;      -- Do any other code here you may want to occur if it's all OK or leave blank it will be     --  skipped if the above if is true END$$ 

This will now return a nice (or evil!) error message that you can trap. For more info on this see: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/signal.html

I hope this helps someone else!

like image 58
GazB Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09
