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Golang - TLS handshake error




I am running a https web server in go. I am testing it using a angular web app (Chrome browser) that makes ajax calls to the web server.

If I keep hitting the web server continuously everything seems working. But whenever I leave it idle for sometime and hit the web server the ajax call from browser doesn't get a response. Almost always I see this log line in my server log.

2016/01/16 04:06:47.006977 http: TLS handshake error from EOF

I can confirm that the IP address is my IP address.

I am starting my https server like this:

r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/status", handleStatus)
setUpLoginEndpoint(&cfg.Session, r)
setUpLogoutEndpoint(cfg.Session.CookieName, r)
setUpChangePasswordEndpoint(cfg.Session.CookieName, r)
setUpMetricSinkEndpoint(cfg.Metric.SinkApiKey, r)
setUpMetricQueryEndpoint(cfg.Session.CookieName, r)
http.ListenAndServeTLS(":443", "../cert.pem", "../keys.pem", &Server{r})

I can confirm that I am closing the request body in every handler using defer r.Body.Close().

I am using go 1.5.2.

Any help would be appreciated.



like image 784
Sathya Avatar asked Jan 16 '16 05:01


1 Answers

I enabled tcp keepalive and this problem got solved. I was running my VM in google compute engine and probably the firewall terminated idle connections.

TCP Keep alive

Configuring tcp keep alive in linux

Golang http server automatically picked this up, so no change was required in my golang code.



like image 62
Sathya Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
