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final array in Java



The following code in Java uses a final array of String and there is no question about it.

final public class Main {   public static final String[] CONSTANT_ARRAY = {"I", "can", "never", "change"};    public static void main(String[] args) {     for (int x = 0; x < CONSTANT_ARRAY.length; x++) {       System.out.print(CONSTANT_ARRAY[x] + " ");     }   } } 

It displays the following output on the console.

I can never change 

The following code also goes without any question.

final public class Main {   public static final String[] CONSTANT_ARRAY = {"I", "can", "never", "change"};    public static void main(String[] args) {     //CONSTANT_ARRAY={"I", "can", "never", "change"}; //Error - can not assign to final variable CONSTANT_ARRAY.     for (int x = 0; x < CONSTANT_ARRAY.length; x++) {       System.out.print(CONSTANT_ARRAY[x] + " ");     }   } } 

Obviously, the commented line causes the specified error because we are trying to reassign the declared final array of type String.

What about the following code.

final public class Main {   public static final String[] CONSTANT_ARRAY = {"I", "can", "never", "change"};    public static void main(String[] args) {     CONSTANT_ARRAY[2] = "always";  //Compiles fine.     for (int x = 0; x < CONSTANT_ARRAY.length; x++) {       System.out.print(CONSTANT_ARRAY[x] + " ");     }   } } 

and it displays I can always change means that we could manage to modify the value of the final array of type String. Can we ever modify the entire array in this way without violating the rule of final?

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Lion Avatar asked Apr 26 '12 19:04


People also ask

What is final array in Java?

So a final array means that the array variable which is actually a reference to an object, cannot be changed to refer to anything else, but the members of the array can be modified.

How can we use final arrays in Java?

A final variable can be explicitly initialized only once. A reference variable declared final can never be reassigned to refer to a different object. However, the data within the object can be changed.

Can final array change value in Java?

If you declare a final variable later on you cannot modify or, assign values to it.

What is final method in Java?

You use the final keyword in a method declaration to indicate that the method cannot be overridden by subclasses. The Object class does this—a number of its methods are final .

1 Answers

final in Java affects the variable, it has nothing to do with the object you are assigning to it.

final String[] myArray = { "hi", "there" }; myArray = anotherArray; // Error, you can't do that. myArray is final myArray[0] = "over";  // perfectly fine, final has nothing to do with it 

Edit to add from comments: Note that I said object you are assigning to it. In Java an array is an object. This same thing applies to any other object:

final List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>(): myList = anotherList; // error, you can't do that myList.add("Hi there!"); // perfectly fine.  
like image 116
Brian Roach Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Brian Roach