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Cross-platform way to get PIDs by process name in python

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How get PID process details?

In this quick article, we've explored how to get the name and the command line of a given PID in the Linux command line. The ps -p <PID> command is pretty straightforward to get the process information of a PID. Alternatively, we can also access the special /proc/PID directory to retrieve process information.

How find PID process name in Linux?

With Linux, the info is in the /proc filesystem. To get the command line for process id 9999, read the file /proc/9999/cmdline . And to get the process name for process id 9999, read the file /proc/9999/comm .

You can use psutil (https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil), which works on Windows and UNIX:

import psutil

PROCNAME = "python.exe"

for proc in psutil.process_iter():
    if proc.name() == PROCNAME:

On my machine it prints:

<psutil.Process(pid=3881, name='python.exe') at 140192133873040>

EDIT 2017-04-27 - here's a more advanced utility function which checks the name against processes' name(), cmdline() and exe():

import os
import psutil

def find_procs_by_name(name):
    "Return a list of processes matching 'name'."
    assert name, name
    ls = []
    for p in psutil.process_iter():
        name_, exe, cmdline = "", "", []
            name_ = p.name()
            cmdline = p.cmdline()
            exe = p.exe()
        except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
        except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
        if name == name_ or cmdline[0] == name or os.path.basename(exe) == name:
    return ls

There's no single cross-platform API, you'll have to check for OS. For posix based use /proc. For Windows use following code to get list of all pids with coresponding process names

from win32com.client import GetObject
WMI = GetObject('winmgmts:')
processes = WMI.InstancesOf('Win32_Process')
process_list = [(p.Properties_("ProcessID").Value, p.Properties_("Name").Value) for p in processes]

You can then easily filter out processes you need. For more info on available properties of Win32_Process check out Win32_Process Class

import psutil

process = filter(lambda p: p.name() == "YourProcess.exe", psutil.process_iter())
for i in process:
  print i.name,i.pid

Give all pids of "YourProcess.exe"

A note on ThorSummoner's comment

process = [proc for proc in psutil.process_iter() if proc.name == "YourProcess.exe"].

I have tried it on Debian with Python 3, I think it has to be proc.name() instead of proc.name.