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Calling a function within a Class method?

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How do you call a function inside a class in Java?

In this program, you have to first make a class name 'CallingMethodsInSameClass' inside which you call the main() method. This main() method is further calling the Method1() and Method2(). Now you can call this as a method definition which is performing a call to another lists of method.

How do you call a function within a method in Java?

To call a method in Java, write the method's name followed by two parentheses () and a semicolon; The process of method calling is simple. When a program invokes a method, the program control gets transferred to the called method. You have called me!

How do you access a function inside a class in Python?

Accessing the method of a class To access the method of a class, we need to instantiate a class into an object. Then we can access the method as an instance method of the class as shown in the program below. Here through the self parameter, instance methods can access attributes and other methods on the same object.

How do you call a function within a class in PHP?

You can also use self::CONST instead of $this->CONST if you want to call a static variable or function of the current class.

Try this one:

class test {
     public function newTest(){

     private function bigTest(){
          //Big Test Here

     private function smallTest(){
          //Small Test Here

     public function scoreTest(){
          //Scoring code here;

$testObject = new test();



The sample you provided is not valid PHP and has a few issues:

public scoreTest() {

is not a proper function declaration -- you need to declare functions with the 'function' keyword.

The syntax should rather be:

public function scoreTest() {

Second, wrapping the bigTest() and smallTest() functions in public function() {} does not make them private — you should use the private keyword on both of these individually:

class test () {
    public function newTest(){

    private function bigTest(){
        //Big Test Here

    private function smallTest(){
           //Small Test Here

    public function scoreTest(){
      //Scoring code here;

Also, it is convention to capitalize class names in class declarations ('Test').

Hope that helps.

class test {
    public newTest(){

    private  function bigTest(){
        //Big Test Here

    private function smallTest(){
       //Small Test Here

    public scoreTest(){
      //Scoring code here;

I think you are searching for something like this one.

class test {

    private $str = NULL;

    public function newTest(){

        $this->str .= 'function "newTest" called, ';
        return $this;
    public function bigTest(){

        return $this->str . ' function "bigTest" called,';
    public function smallTest(){

        return $this->str . ' function "smallTest" called,';
    public function scoreTest(){

        return $this->str . ' function "scoreTest" called,';

$test = new test;

echo $test->newTest()->bigTest();

To call any method of an object instantiated from a class (with statement new), you need to "point" to it. From the outside you just use the resource created by the new statement. Inside any object PHP created by new, saves the same resource into the $this variable. So, inside a class you MUST point to the method by $this. In your class, to call smallTest from inside the class, you must tell PHP which of all the objects created by the new statement you want to execute, just write:
